Wednesday 17 March 2010

The Old Dairy

1 - 3 Crouch Hill, N4 4AP

I've had a very on and off relationship with The Old Dairy. Mainly off.

When we first moved into the area, we ate here for Sunday lunch. And it was fab. So we came back a few times. And despite a complete inability to serve a decent roast potato, the Sunday lunches were great.

So obviously we invited friends to join us for a great Sunday lunch. Except it wasn't. And ever since they have been so inconsistent, I really can never trust them.

But my main beef with them is that they very often serve you food that isn't exactly what you ordered from the menu. Bits are missing, or have been subsituted. And they never, ever tell you in advance. Which I completely find insulting. If they just said "We've run out of houmous, can we give you some olives instead" fine. Instead you get a plate of half what you ordered plonked in front of you without so much as an apology.

And generally, it's hideously overpriced.

So why am I there? Well, yet again it wasn't my choice. We were meeting friends for dinner, and despite also living locally, they had never eaten there. So, off we went.

The Menu:
It was only on my way home from work, that I noticed the pubs were very busy. My initial thoughts that Arsenal must be playing were quickly replaced by the more accurate realisation that it was St Patrick's day. Luckily The Dairy wasn't too rammed, but they did have live Irish music (bugger) and as we were informed on arrival, an "Irish" menu.

What's that then? both Mr PP and I asked in unison. It basically amounted to stews, soda bread and colcannon.

It honestly didn't look much different from usual. Steak, burger and fish 'n' chips staples were there, alongside various typical British/"Irish" fare. They do have a good range of fish and vegetarian dishes, which was good as one of our friends doesn't eat meat.

We skipped starters and went straight to the mains. I had the burger, Mr PP had the (Irish sirloin) steak with (Irish) whiskey sauce, and our friends had the Irish stew and the vegetable tian. A rather nice bottle of pinot noir washed it all down, with Mr PP sticking steadfastly to the Heinekin.

Our Meal:
The service was prompt and efficient, if somewhat over-friendly. They always insist on calling us "guys". I'm 42. I'm so not "guys". But otherwise, it was very good - attentive to our needs without being all over us.

A big jug of iced tapwater and glasses arrived unbidden, which in my anti-bottled-water world is a big, big plus. Food arrived in good time, and there were no complaints. Everybody enjoyed it well enough, and there were four empty plates at the end.

But for what they charge, I would just expect so much more. It really isn't cheap, and just isn't good enough. They either need to improve the quality, or lower the prices.

In the end, mains for four, a bottle of Pinot Noir and a pint of Heinekin came in at just under £80.

What we liked:
The tapwater, the wine, efficient service, and the nice big booths in the dining area of the bar - very comfortable.

What we didn't like:
The music (Achy Breaky Heart? Irish? Really???), and the fact they couldn't serve us any hot drinks. The coffee machine was broken, so fair enough that they couldn't do coffees. But our friends asked for tea. To which they also said no, as they couldn't make tea with hot water from the tap. Could a fully equipped, functioning retaurant kitchen really not rustle up two cups of boiling water? Unbelievable.

Will we be back?:
The more the prices go up, the less inclined I am to go back. There are pubs I prefer which are closer to home, and I don't think the food is good enough. But I'm sure we'll be back sometime.

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